Healing Oil

Healing Oil

Regular price $30.00 $25.00 Sale

Aesthetic Physique by BDC

Physique Good Oil heals many things especially when suffering from inflammation. All you will need to do is apply it to the area of concern, place a dry warm cloth over top and when able, wrap it with plastic. Leave it on preferably overnight and allow it to draw the toxins out. Do this daily for at least once a week or more if you desire. 

Products are all natural ingredients without any chemicals or preservatives.

2oz Glass bottle with a dropper.

Keep it Tight Oil helps with skin aging such as cellulite, loose skin, blemishes, helps keep the skin moisturized and more. It’s also great to use for massage oil. 
Ingredients: Grapeseed Oil, Sage, Mint & Rosemary. 4oz Glass bottle.

Rosemery Oil promotes healthy hair growth, strength and anti-inflammatory properties. Ingredients: 100% Rosemary Oil. 2oz Glass bottle.